Monday, September 10, 2007

Itchy and Scratchy

UGH!! I have a rash that is killing me! It is on my arms, chest, stomach, sides of my body, hips, buttocks, and thighs. I had one with Jace too and it was bad, but I think it is worse this time around. The midwife thinks I have PUPPS. You can read more about it HERE.

The only cure for this is to deliver, so unless it goes away on it's own, I have another 14 weeks of this! 70% of these cases occur in women carrying boys. So I guess I am just allergic to all this testosterone! It does not harm the baby or me, it just makes me miserable and I can't sleep. And that equals one grumpy Mommy. I am trying some stronger stuff that was prescribed to me today, so hopefully I can get some relief.

Here is a picture so you can see my agony. This was taken last night and this is the "calm" state. It is 10 times worse when it flares up. The spots on my stomach are bigger and there are more of them today. They will probably develop into the large patches like the others. So please, feel sorry for me...just a little.

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